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Updated: May 30, 2023

Quick explanation;

Oregano oil has:

CARVACROL: Active ingredient, it is a highly potent phenol as a bactericide, fungicide, sanitizer, antiseptic and disinfectant.

TIMOL: Acts as a disinfectant and fungicide.

CHEMICAL GROUP OF PHENOLS: Six important components; pinene, terpinene, linalool, bonreol, linalyn and geranyl acetate. With antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anesthetic and antioxidant properties.

Coconut oil has:

LAURIC ACID: Antimicrobial and antiviral that fights bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens. It produces immunity in the human body.

CAPRYLIC ACID: It is an acid found in breast milk and coconut. Fights the excessive growth of yeasts and fungi, especially candida, including the problems that this entails: irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression.

Brings relief to people suffering from Crohn's disease, a disease that inflames the intestines, by inhibiting and suppressing the secretion of IL-8, the gene present in the intestine of people suffering from this disease.

Coconut infused oregano oil works like;

Antiparasitic: Eliminates intestinal and stomach parasites.

Improves mood: Oregano increases the activity of dopamine and seretonin,

neurotransmitters that are related to positive mood.

Antibiotic: Very powerful thanks to its high carvacrol content (active ingredient in oregano); prevents, fights and prevents the proliferation of bacteria.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory: Studies have tested the ability of oregano oil to reduce pain and inflammation.

Fungicide: Effectively combats fungi, such as candidiasis (present in most patients with diabetes) and Athlete's Foot.

Antioxidant: Carvacrol is an antioxidant with an anticancer effect, especially against colon cancer.

Now that you know why it works, identify your current problem and we will explain the dose and how to take the oil.

  • Vaginal and/or urinary infection:

At the first symptoms, perform SHOCK THERAPY (3 drops of oil diluted in water every hour, for 10 hours. (There should be 10 doses on the first day).

The following 7 days: 3 drops diluted in water, 3 times a day.

Perform sitz baths (where you add a few drops of the oil to warm water and submerge yourself in the water for at least 10 minutes).

  • Stomach and/or Renal inflammation or infection:

Perform SHOCK THERAPY (3 drops of oil diluted in water every hour, for 10 hours. In total there should be 10 doses on the first day).

The following 7 days: 3 drops diluted in water, 3 times a day.

In case of a severe infection, perform a coffee enema and add a few drops of oregano oil.

  • Throat infection and/or cough:

At the first symptoms of sore throat or cough, perform SHOCK THERAPY. (3 drops of oil diluted in water every hour, for 10 hours. (In total there should be 10 doses on the first day).

On the same day of performing the shock therapy, you should gargle with the following ingredients several times a day:

- Half a glass of lukewarm water mixed with 3 drops of oil

- A teaspoon of baking soda.

- A teaspoon of honey.

- A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

- The juice of half a lemon.

After the first day, continue taking 3 drops of oil diluted in water 3 times a day for the next 7 days.

NOTE: If the sore throat is accompanied by a stuffy nose, perform VAPORIZATIONS (Bring half a liter of water to boil, remove from heat, add 4-5 drops of oil, cover the container with a towel to trap the steam for 10 minutes. Then place the towel on your nose and take breaths for 10 minutes). Repeat 2 or 3 times a day.

  • Salmonella and E. Coli:

When eating away from home, ingest 4 drops of oil diluted in water, after eating to avoid contagion. Take for 3 days


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